Wednesday 25 May 2011

Design Brief for Pictofgram - We Come In Peace

Design Brief for a pictogram:
We Come In Peace
1. Corporate Profile
Danh’s the Best Film and Design is a new and upcoming organisation that specialise in film making and design. Their skills range from unique camera techniques, special effects, photoshop editing, through to product design. It was originally founded by the prominent film director/designer Danh Phuoc Vo who then recruited some close friends that are quite skilled in the same industry. Although their team is still quite young, their work is quite above average according to past clients. They’re not just another film and design company, they have their own unique style and that’s what clients love about them; sophisticated and professional yet crazy and out of the ordinary.

2. Market Position
As they are a new organisation, they don’t really have any market power/share. Their past clients so far have only been friends and family, but although this is the case, they do look quite promising to reach a high position within the industry of film and design. Also as a newcomer to the market, they have to position themselves within it. They are going with an image that it professional and well organised, but yet youthful and extreme. They want to gain a position and image that will stand out and gain much needed exposure and awareness.

3. Target Audience
The target audience for this design would be any life force that doesn’t exist on planet earth; so pretty much aliens. As there is a chance that there isn’t any other life out there besides earth, or the possibility that we will never encounter them, there is an alternative target audience among us humans. This target audience would consist of people who have scientific backgrounds, or just have interests in space and believe that we are not alone in this universe.
To be more specific;
Individuals – 16 to 30 years of age, both male and female, but more specifically males, that are into sci-fi films and comic books.

4. Objectives
The objectives of this design is to provide a simple pictogram for the target audience that they feel says what they want to say to any alien life force if ever encountered. The design should be quite simple yet express a strong message and relate to the target audience.
The aim of the pictogram is to basically show the target audience what Danh’s the Best Film and Design is about; and that is uniqueness with a point of difference. So through the design of a pictogram for aliens, we try to link it to our style as aliens are quite unique themselves. Overall it is to gain some much needed exposure and awareness.

5. Message
The message that the pictogram should project is one that is welcoming but yet shows that the human race is confident and strong. This is so that we are not seen as weak towards them to prevent any chance of them trying to take advantage of our welcoming and taking over planet earth. So basically the message should say that ‘we come in peace’ but yet saying this is our planet and you are welcome here as long as you follow our terms.

6. Corporate/Brand Personality
The corporate personality reflects the company’s image of sophistication and youthfulness. Danh’s the Best Film and Design brand themselves to be different, eye-catching, and unique much like aliens.

7. Design Medium
The design medium is a pictogram the size of a mobile phone screen.

8. Technical & Practical Constraints
Any constraints at all would have to be the fact that Danh’s the Best Film and Design are the newcomers to a very large and competitive industry. There’s nothing saying that the large well-known companies won’t try to eliminate us as a competitor.

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